(written by Waters, Ezrin)
Well, only about an hour of daylight left. We better get started. Isn't it unsafe to travel at night? Be a lot less safe to stay here; your father's gonna pick up our trail before long. Can Lorka ride? He'll hafta ride. Lorka, time to go! Shangra. Thank you for everything...
Is there anybody out there?
Goodbye, Shangra. Goodbye, missy.
Is there anybody out there? I'll be back...
Is there anybody out there? (2x)
Marshal. Your passenger survived... All right, I'll take care of them part of the time, but there's somebody else that needs taking care of in Washington. Who's that? (scream) Rose Pilchard! Shut up! Rose Pilchard? Who's that?
Oi! I've got a little black book with me poems in! 36-24-36. Does that answer your question?
The piece returns to the slightly more grounded reality of the hotel room, with the TV very audible in the background. After receiving no response to his cry of 'hey you' — unsurprising as there was no-one to hear — Pink is moved to ask 'Is there anybody out there?'
Roger Waters: "[It's] really just a mood piece."
Dave Gilmour: "There's a guy playing Spanish guitar on Is There Anybody Out There?; I could play it with a leather pick, but couldn't play it properly finger-style." [Shine On]
Though credited only to Waters on the original album, Dave claims fairly credibly that Ezrin co-wrote this tune.
At this point in the stage show, a door in the wall fell open to reveal a replica of a Tropicana Motor Hotel room set into the wall, about 15 feet up and to the left of the stage. Roger sang the next couple of songs from within this setting.
Disc One

Thin Ice, The
Another Brick in the Wall part 1
Happiest Days of Our Lives, The
Another Brick in the Wall part 2
Goodbye Blue Sky
Empty Spaces
Young Lust
One of My Turns
Don't Leave Me Now
Another Brick in the Wall part 3
Goodbye Cruel World
Disc Two
Hey You
Is There Anybody Out There?
Nobody Home
Bring the Boys Back Home
Comfortably Numb
Show Must Go On, The
In the Flesh
Run Like Hell
Waiting for the Worms
Trial, The
Outside the Wall
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